5 Integers

Additive inverses

If two numbers added together equal zero, they are called additive inverses. For example, (9) + (-9):

  • The additive inverse of 9 is -9
  • The additive inverse of -9 is 9 (or +9)

Simplifying the adding of mixed integers

The rules are:

  • Positive & positive = positive
    For example, 5++3=5+3=8
  • Negative & negative = positive
    For example, 5-3=5+3=9
  • Negative & positive = negative
    For example, 5-+3=5-3=2
  • Positive & negative = negative
    For example, 5+-3=5-3=2

Adding integers

Adding integers is where a set of numbers are added together.

For example, (+7)+(+4)=7+4=11 (or +11)

Another example, (-3)+(-8)=-3 -8=-11

Another example, (-1)+(+5)=-1+5=5-1=+4

Another example, (+6)+(-4)=6-4=2 (or +2)

Subtracting integers

Subtracting integers is where numbers are taken away from other numbers.

For example, (-6)-(-5)=-6+5=-1

Another example, 6-(-5+3)=6+(+5-3)=6+(2)=8

The key with subtracting something in brackets, is to convert the minus into a plus, and then inverting the content in the brackets. For example, instead of -(5-3). to have +(-5+3)