6.1 Table

Frequency tables

A frequency table shows the number of occurrences. This is an example of a frequency table, showing the prices (the score) per kilogram of fruit at a store:

Score Frequency
$1 2
$2 3
$3 6
$4 9
$5 1
$6 10
$7 4

In the above table, there are 7 different types of individual scores (prices). The lowest score is $1 and the highest score is $7. The most common (highest frequency) score is $6, because it has 10 recurrences. The numbers of fruit on sale (i.e. the population, found by adding together all the frequencies) is 2+3+6+9+1+10+4=35.

The above frequency table was of ordered scores (1 to 7). However, some scores may be unordered, for example, the number of times different people were hit with water balloons at a party:

People Frequency
Jamie 7
Beezus 15
Mandy 20
Zac 11
Sophie 5

Mandy got hit 20 times with water balloons. If these people were the only people at the party, and all water balloons were thrown and hit somebody, the number of water balloons at the party (found by adding the frequencies together) is 7+15+20+11+5=58.